On December 14th, the US Federal Communication Commission will vote on whether to repeal and replace the current rules enforcing net neutrality, posing a serious threat to internet freedom. Net neutrality is the policy that all internet service providers must allow access to all consumers to view any legal content they wish to, on an equal basis.
We live in the Golden Age of the Internet, where endless knowledge is totally accessible and freedom of speech extends to the ability to post online and reach huge audiences with no physical boundaries, and never even having to get off your ass. But is it naïve to think that the Internet could go on forever without being monopolized by fat cat companies and turned into just another product for sale?
The repeal of net neutrality would technically give big internet providers the power to load some pages faster than others, creating slow and fast lanes. The greatest concern is that big corporations could then take advantage of the system for their own self-interest and profit.
It has been argued however, since net neutrality as a law has only been in place since 2015, that the internet was doing just fine in regards to maintaining equal freedom of viewing and accessing before. It is possible that nothing will change, and companies will respect the freedom of the public, BUT the possibility for even the slightest control over information that reaches the public is out there, and that is a fucking problem. Do we honestly trust these corporations?