Right. So, back in 1979 the US imposed ‘economic sanctions’ on Iran to restrict the creation of weapons and shit like that. Meaning that Iran’s economy was in a really shitty place for decades (making it really difficult for those who lived there). But, back in 2015 when Obama was in charge, a deal was made between Russia, Germany, France, China, the United Kingdom, and the United States to get rid of these sanctions. In exchange, Iran had to restrict the amount of radioactive materials it possessed, making it fucking difficult to create nuclear weapons.
Iran was happy(ish) because the economy could rebuild itself and it could finally gain access to assets overseas; the US and other countries were happy(ish) because there was no longer a nuclear threat (inspectors were allowed access to investigate at any point). The deal was fucking working and everything was kind of hunky dory.
Then, dickhead Trump comes along and decides that the ‘spirit of the deal’ was being dishonoured. Iran has a ballistic missile programme; which turns out to be a massive fucking threat to US allies Saudi Arabia and Israel. What a surprise.
The Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defence both thought the Iran deal was a fucking Good Idea, especially for national security, and the International Atomic Energy Agency, and the other participating nations, have said eight times that Iran is adhering to the deal. But of course, Trump’s priorities are all fucked up and now the mostly republican congress have 60 days to decide if they will create new sanctions or bring back the old ones.
Yet again, enhancing the divide in the US, helping hardliners in Iran, and creating another enemy, while losing the trust of the other countries who fought to create this deal for 12 years. Who’s going to listen to the US when it comes to negotiations ever again?
Well done Trump. Fucking well done.